Meet the Team
Greg Reynolds, Ph.D.
Lab Director
Professor, Department of Psychology Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (2002) Postdoc, University of South Carolina (2002 - 2005) [email protected] Curriculum vitae My research interests are focused on early cognitive development. I currently serve as director of the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at the University of Tennessee. Research in the DCN lab is focused on the development of attention in infancy, and the impact of developmental change in attention on perception, learning, and memory. Multiple psychophysiological and behavioral measures are integrated into the majority of experiments run in the lab in order to gain greater insight into early development. This approach is being used to examine three areas of research: brain-behavior relations and the development of attention, individual differences in infant visual attention, and the effects of attention on categorization, face processing, and memory in infancy. |