To request copies of any publications listed below, send an email to: [email protected]
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*indicates student co-author
*Roth, K.C., *Clayton, K.R.H., & Reynolds, G.D. (2022). Infant selective attention to native and non-native audiovisual speech. Scientific Reports.
*Roth, K.C., & Reynolds, G.D. (2022). Neural correlates of subordinate-level categorization of own- and other-race faces in infancy. Acta Psychologica.
Sigala, N., Kaldy, Z., & Reynolds, G.D. (2022). Editorial: The cognitive neuroscience of visual working memory – Volume II. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience.
ManyBabies Consortium (2020). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed-speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(1), 24-52.
Buss, A.T., Ross-Sheehy, S., & Reynolds, G.D. (2018). Visual working memory in early development: A developmental cognitive neuroscience perspective. Journal of Neurophysiology.
*Dixon, K.C., Reynolds, G.D., *Romano, A.C., *Roth, K.C., *Stumpe, A.L., *Guy, M.W., & *Mosteller, S.M. (2019). Neural correlates of individuation and categorization of other-species faces in infancy. Neuropsychologia, 126, 27 – 35. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.09.037
Reynolds, G.D. & *Roth, K.C. (2018). The development of attentional biases for faces in infancy: A developmental systems perspective. Frontiers in Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00222
Reynolds, G.D. & Richards, J.E. (2017). Infant visual attention and stimulus repetition effects on object recognition. Child Development.
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2017). Attention and stimulus repetition effects on infant recognition memory. Child Development. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12982
*Guy, M.W., Reynolds, G.D., *Mosteller, S.M., & *Dixon, K.C. (2017). The effects of stimulus symmetry on hierarchical processing in infancy. Developmental Psychobiology, 59, 279-290.
Reynolds, G.D., & *Romano, A. C. (2016). The development of attention systems and working memory in infancy. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 10, 1 – 12.
Reynolds, G.D. (2015). Infant visual attention and object recognition. Behavioural Brain Research, 285, 34 – 43.
Reynolds, G.D., Bahrick, L.E., Lickliter, R., & *Guy, M.W. (2014). Neural correlates of intersensory processing in 5-month-old infants. Developmental Psychobiology, 56, 355 - 372.
*Guy, M.W., Reynolds, G.D., & *Zhang, D. (2013). Visual attention to global and local stimulus properties in six-month-old infants: Individual differences and event-related potentials. Child Development, 84, 1392 – 1406.
Reynolds, G.D., *Zhang, D., & *Guy, M.W. (2013). Infant attention to dynamic audiovisual stimuli: Look duration from 3 to 9 months of age. Infancy, 18, 554 – 577.
Reynolds, G.D., & *Guy, M.W. (2012). Brain-behavior relations in infancy: Integrative approaches to examining infant looking behavior and event-related potentials. Developmental Neuropsychology, 37(3), 210 – 225.
Reynolds, G.D., *Guy, M.W., & *Zhang, D. (2011). Neural correlates of individual differences in infant visual attention and recognition memory. Infancy, 16 (4), 368 – 391.
Reynolds, G.D., Courage, M.L., & Richards, J.E. (2010). Infant attention and visual preferences: Converging evidence from behavior, event-related potentials, and cortical source localization. Developmental Psychology, 46(4), 886 – 904.
Richards, J.E., Reynolds, G.D., & Courage, M.L. (2010). The neural bases of infant attention. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19(1), 41-46.
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2009). Cortical source localization of infant cognition. Developmental Neuropsychology, 34(3), 312-329.
Courage, M.L., Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2006). Infants' visual attention to patterned stimuli: Developmental change from 3- to 12-months of age. Child Development, 77(3), 680-695.
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2005). Familiarization, attention, and recognition memory in infancy: An ERP and cortical source localization study. Developmental Psychology, 41(4), 598-615.
Reynolds, G.D., & Lickliter, R. (2004). Modified prenatal sensory stimulation influences postnatal behavioral and perceptual responsiveness in bobwhite quail chicks (Colinus Virginianus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 118, 172-178.
Reynolds, G.D., & Lickliter, R. (2003). Effects of redundant and non-redundant bimodal stimulation on heart rate in bobwhite quail embryos. Developmental Psychobiology, 43, 304-310.
Reynolds, G.D., & Lickliter, R. (2002). Effects of prenatal sensory stimulation on heart rate and behavioral measures of arousal in bobwhite quail embryos. Developmental Psychobiology, 41, 112-122.
*Roth, K.C., *Clayton, K.R.H., & Reynolds, G.D. (2022). Infant selective attention to native and non-native audiovisual speech. Scientific Reports.
*Roth, K.C., & Reynolds, G.D. (2022). Neural correlates of subordinate-level categorization of own- and other-race faces in infancy. Acta Psychologica.
Sigala, N., Kaldy, Z., & Reynolds, G.D. (2022). Editorial: The cognitive neuroscience of visual working memory – Volume II. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience.
ManyBabies Consortium (2020). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed-speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(1), 24-52.
Buss, A.T., Ross-Sheehy, S., & Reynolds, G.D. (2018). Visual working memory in early development: A developmental cognitive neuroscience perspective. Journal of Neurophysiology.
*Dixon, K.C., Reynolds, G.D., *Romano, A.C., *Roth, K.C., *Stumpe, A.L., *Guy, M.W., & *Mosteller, S.M. (2019). Neural correlates of individuation and categorization of other-species faces in infancy. Neuropsychologia, 126, 27 – 35. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.09.037
Reynolds, G.D. & *Roth, K.C. (2018). The development of attentional biases for faces in infancy: A developmental systems perspective. Frontiers in Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00222
Reynolds, G.D. & Richards, J.E. (2017). Infant visual attention and stimulus repetition effects on object recognition. Child Development.
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2017). Attention and stimulus repetition effects on infant recognition memory. Child Development. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12982
*Guy, M.W., Reynolds, G.D., *Mosteller, S.M., & *Dixon, K.C. (2017). The effects of stimulus symmetry on hierarchical processing in infancy. Developmental Psychobiology, 59, 279-290.
Reynolds, G.D., & *Romano, A. C. (2016). The development of attention systems and working memory in infancy. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 10, 1 – 12.
Reynolds, G.D. (2015). Infant visual attention and object recognition. Behavioural Brain Research, 285, 34 – 43.
Reynolds, G.D., Bahrick, L.E., Lickliter, R., & *Guy, M.W. (2014). Neural correlates of intersensory processing in 5-month-old infants. Developmental Psychobiology, 56, 355 - 372.
*Guy, M.W., Reynolds, G.D., & *Zhang, D. (2013). Visual attention to global and local stimulus properties in six-month-old infants: Individual differences and event-related potentials. Child Development, 84, 1392 – 1406.
Reynolds, G.D., *Zhang, D., & *Guy, M.W. (2013). Infant attention to dynamic audiovisual stimuli: Look duration from 3 to 9 months of age. Infancy, 18, 554 – 577.
Reynolds, G.D., & *Guy, M.W. (2012). Brain-behavior relations in infancy: Integrative approaches to examining infant looking behavior and event-related potentials. Developmental Neuropsychology, 37(3), 210 – 225.
Reynolds, G.D., *Guy, M.W., & *Zhang, D. (2011). Neural correlates of individual differences in infant visual attention and recognition memory. Infancy, 16 (4), 368 – 391.
Reynolds, G.D., Courage, M.L., & Richards, J.E. (2010). Infant attention and visual preferences: Converging evidence from behavior, event-related potentials, and cortical source localization. Developmental Psychology, 46(4), 886 – 904.
Richards, J.E., Reynolds, G.D., & Courage, M.L. (2010). The neural bases of infant attention. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19(1), 41-46.
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2009). Cortical source localization of infant cognition. Developmental Neuropsychology, 34(3), 312-329.
Courage, M.L., Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2006). Infants' visual attention to patterned stimuli: Developmental change from 3- to 12-months of age. Child Development, 77(3), 680-695.
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2005). Familiarization, attention, and recognition memory in infancy: An ERP and cortical source localization study. Developmental Psychology, 41(4), 598-615.
Reynolds, G.D., & Lickliter, R. (2004). Modified prenatal sensory stimulation influences postnatal behavioral and perceptual responsiveness in bobwhite quail chicks (Colinus Virginianus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 118, 172-178.
Reynolds, G.D., & Lickliter, R. (2003). Effects of redundant and non-redundant bimodal stimulation on heart rate in bobwhite quail embryos. Developmental Psychobiology, 43, 304-310.
Reynolds, G.D., & Lickliter, R. (2002). Effects of prenatal sensory stimulation on heart rate and behavioral measures of arousal in bobwhite quail embryos. Developmental Psychobiology, 41, 112-122.
Invited Book Chapters
*Roth, K.C., & Reynolds, G.D. (2021). Attention in Infancy: Behavioral and Neural Correlates. In M. Anderson, & S. Della Sala (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, 2nd Edition. Elsevier Science.
*Roth, K.C., Conte, S., Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2020). Attention and early brain development, updated. In R.E. Tremblay, R. deV Peters, M. Boivin and R. G. Barr (Eds.), Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development, 2nd Edition. The Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development.
Reynolds, G.D., Courage, M.L, & Richards, J.E. (2013). The development of attention. In D. Reisberg (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology, pp. 1000 – 1013. Oxford University Press: New York, NY.
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2008b). Attention and early brain development. In R.E. Tremblay, R. deV Peters, M. Boivin and R. G. Barr (Eds.), Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development. The Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development.
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2008a). Infant heart rate: A developmental psychophysiological perspective. In L.A. Schmidt & S.J. Segalowitz (Eds.), Developmental Psychophysiology: Theory, Systems, and Methods, pp. 173 - 212. Cambridge University Press.
*Roth, K.C., Conte, S., Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2020). Attention and early brain development, updated. In R.E. Tremblay, R. deV Peters, M. Boivin and R. G. Barr (Eds.), Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development, 2nd Edition. The Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development.
Reynolds, G.D., Courage, M.L, & Richards, J.E. (2013). The development of attention. In D. Reisberg (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology, pp. 1000 – 1013. Oxford University Press: New York, NY.
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2008b). Attention and early brain development. In R.E. Tremblay, R. deV Peters, M. Boivin and R. G. Barr (Eds.), Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development. The Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development.
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2008a). Infant heart rate: A developmental psychophysiological perspective. In L.A. Schmidt & S.J. Segalowitz (Eds.), Developmental Psychophysiology: Theory, Systems, and Methods, pp. 173 - 212. Cambridge University Press.
Type of Grant: Research Grant
PI: Greg D. Reynolds
Co-PIs: Lorraine E. Bahrick and Robert Lickliter (Florida International University)
Amount: $700,000
PI: Greg D. Reynolds
Amount: $151,000
- 2022-2025 Selective Attention and Intersensory Processing in Infancy
Type of Grant: Research Grant
PI: Greg D. Reynolds
Co-PIs: Lorraine E. Bahrick and Robert Lickliter (Florida International University)
Amount: $700,000
- 2019-2023 Covert Orienting and Infant Visual Cognition
Agency: National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
PI: Greg D. Reynolds
Amount: $151,000
- 2018 - 2023 Visual Attention and Categorization in Infancy
Agency: National Science Foundation, Developmental Sciences
Type of Grant: Research Grant
PI: Greg D. Reynolds
Amount: $536,139 - 2013 - 2017 Neural Correlates of Infant Attention and Action
Agency: National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Child Health and Human
Type of Grant: R21
MPIs: Greg D. Reynolds and Daniela Corbetta
Amount: $389,508 - 2012 - 2016 Infant Visual Attention: Neural Mechanisms and Individual Differences
Agency: National Science Foundation
Type of Grant: Research grant
PI: Greg D. Reynolds
Amount: $259,240 - 2012 - 2016 Acquisition of Infant/Robot Grasp Learning Instrumentation
Agency: National Science Foundation
Type of Grant: MRI
PI: Lynne Parker; C0-PIs: Daniela Corbetta, Itamar Arel, Bruce McLennan, and Greg D. Reynolds)
- 2005 - 2008 Infant Attention and Recognition Memory
Agency: National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Type of Grant: R03
PI: Greg D. Reynolds
Amount: $127,000